• October Zodiac - Libra

    Happy October, Libra! It's time for our monthly zodiac illustration hand drawn by the lovely Katy Smail. Last month's - Virgo.

     For those of you born between September 23 and October 22, our friends at Elle see September as a relaxing month for you. Yes, Libra, you can totally justify skipping the afternoon staff meeting for a brisk walk on the river or a run to pick up vitamins. Schedule check-ups with your doctors, and revamp your eating habits. (How necessary are those fries with your turkey burger, anyway?) Recommit to the yoga mat now that the lazy days of summer are almost officially over.


    Spend the first week of the month perusing the sale rack at Barney’s (or the Salvation Army pile at your BFF’s house) and trying out a daring new look, perhaps even some trendy fall nails. Enjoy the extra attention, which is due, in part, to some sweet confidence coursing through your veins. If you’ve yet to unearth your inner confidence, please don’t despair. It’s there, just waiting for you to own your particular brand of fabulousness. Work with a qualified coach, mentor or therapist, and surround yourself with role models who use their unique voices in empowered ways. As Sufi poet Rumi (who was also a Libra) once wrote, “Let yourself be drawn to the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.”

    Read more from Elle here: Monthly Overview Horoscope for Libra